Notes: Script Notes
Adding notes to your script is a great way to track ideas whether in pre-prodution or full production. It's also the best way to create a shot list. Script Notes are not visible when previewing the script in reading mode. They are only visible in editing mode.
Making notes
A Script Note is created by enclosing some text with double brackets. Notes can be inserted between lines, or in the middle of a line.
INT. TRAILER HOME - DAY This is the home of THE BOY BAND, AKA DAN and JACK[[Or did we think of actual names for these guys?]]. They too are drinking beer, and counting the take from their last smash-and-grab. Money, drugs, and ridiculous props are strewn about the table. [[It was supposed to be Vietnamese, right?]] JACK (in Vietnamese, subtitled) *Did you know Brick and Steel are retired?*
Any empty lines before and after the note are removed when in reading mode. If you want to keep empty lines within a note, just add two spaces on the empty line.
Add shot notes
If you want to keep a shot list for your production, use Script Notes to add your shots and add "Shot:" to the beginning of each note.
This is the home of THE BOY BAND, AKA DAN and JACK [[Shot: Establishing shot of house]]. They too are drinking beer, and counting the take from their last smash-and-grab. [[Shot: Pan across table.]]Money, drugs, and ridiculous props are strewn about the table.